Roberta Sinatra

Assistant Professor
Center for Network Science and Math Department
Central European University
Budapest (Hungary)


2018-03-15: Stephen Hawking - An interactive history of his career!

Stephen Hawking career

Stephen Hawking was one of the biggest icons of science. Explore our Science of Science tribute and interactive visualization! Created with Federico Battiston, Federico Musciotto and Michael Szell.

2018-03-01: New paper in Science!

SciSci review

Science of science - Together with a fantastic group of researchers from multiple institutions, we published a review paper on Science of Science (SciSci). Check it out here!

2017-02-02: New Perspective piece in Science!

Issue on Prediction

Can we predict discoveries? Together with Aaron Clauset and Dan Larremore, we published a perspective on data-driven prediction in Science. Check it out here!

2016-11-03: Nature story

Our new work on "Quantifying the evolution of individual scientific impact" is out! Watch the Nature story:

Read also the New York Times coverage!

2016-11-03: New paper in Science!

Career Paths

Our new paper Quantifying the evolution of individual scientific impact is published in Science! Explore the results on the Interactive Visualization Website.
Watch the Story on the Nature Youtube channel and read it on Nature News.

Also featured in: Science News, New York Times, Wired, Scientific American, The Scientist, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Forbes, Huffington Post, Big Think, Inside High Red, Flowing Data, The Australian, NY magazine, PhysOrg, ACS, Chemistry World, Northeastern News, CEU News, Kellog Insight, Science Alert, Science Top Stories, FastCoDesign, Scholarly Kitchen, University World News, Yahoo News, Herald Tribune, University Herald, ORF Science, Spiegel Online, Il Corriere della Sera, Il Fatto Quotidiano, Internazionale, Panorama, Adnkronos, Padova News, Science Blog, Interesting Engineering, La Vanguardia,, Semana,, El Digital de Asturias, AgenciaSinc, Improbable, 3 Quarks Daily, Librarius, Museum.

2016-06-01: Invited Speaker at the European Forum Alpbach!


In August I will give an invited talk at the Technology Symposium of the European Forum, in Alpbach. Check the program here.

2016-01-01: I am Assistant Professor at CEU!


Happy to announce that the start of 2016 coincides with a new exciting adventure for me: I am now Assistant Professor at CEU, working with the CNS and Math Department.

2015-11-13: Commentary published in PNAS!


Our new commentary (not comment!) Research funding goes to rich clubs about Anatomy of funded research in science has been published in PNAS!

2015-10-01: Paper published in Nature Physics!

Cover A century of physics

Our new paper A century of physics, is published in Nature Physics. One of our visualizations is also featured on the cover!

2015-09-02: Paper accepted on Nature Physics soon to appear!


Our new paper A century of physics, will be soon published in Nature Physics. Stay tuned!

2015-03-17: New paper published on Physical Review E!


Our new paper Social diffusion and global drift on networks, together with Hiroki Sayama now published on Physical Review E.

2015-01-31: I am now Research Assistant Professor at the CCNR!


Since end of January 2015, I am Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Complex Network Research, Northeastern University.

2015-01-19: Invited Speaker at IREG - Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence!


I am a Speaker at the Symposium Academic Excellence: Between Holy Grail and Measurable Objectives organized by IREG - Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence and hosted by University of Maribor.

2015-01-15: PC member for ICWSM-15!


I am in the Program Committee for ICWSM-15, the 9th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, which will take place in Oxford, May 26-29, 2015.

2014-05-31: I am organizing a TEDx event: TEDxSSC!


As member of the alumni association of the Scuola Superiore di Catania, I am organizing TEDxSSC, a TEDx event, which will take place at Scuola Superiore di Catania (Sicily, Italy) on October 18th 2014.

2014-05-08: Our Career on the move article featured on The Economist!

The Economist

Academic prestige: Why climb the greasy pole? Our paper Career on the Move: Geography, Stratification, and Scientific Impact has been featured in The Economist! Here the piece in pdf.

2014-04-24: New article on Scientific Reports!


Our paper on Career on the Move: Geography, Stratification, and Scientific Impact has been published on Scientific Reports, the open access journal of Nature.

2014-03-30: Ignite talk at Netsci'14!


I will give an ignite talk entitled "Quantifying patterns of scientific excellence" at Netsci'14 on June 6th 2014.

2013-11-13: PC member for COOL2014!


I am in the Program Committee for COOL2014, a workshop of the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2014)! Submit a paper !.

2013-11-10: I will give a talk at the NetFrontier !


I will attend the Network Frontier Workshop, hosted at the Northwestern University, Evanston, from Dec. 4th-6th 2013, and give a talk on "The story of your big hit".

2013-10-05: My Poster at WINworkshop 2013!


I presented a poster with title The story of your big hit at the WINworkhop 2013. Download it by clicking on the thumbnail on the left!.

2013-09-24: Slides of Quantifying Success' talks online!


The slides of most talks at Quantifying Success, satellite of ECCS'13 are on-line! Check the program page to downlaod them.

2013-05-30: Organizing Quantifying Success!


I am one of the organizers of Quantifying Success, a satellite of ECCS'13. The satellite will take place on September 18th 2013, at the World Trade Center of Barcelona, in Spain. Check the website for the call for contributions!.

2013-05-28: Speaker at the Science of Success Symposium!


I will give an ignite talk at the Science of Success symposium, which will take place at Harvard University, Cambridge (MA, USA) on June 17th.

2013-03-29: New Physical Review E paper!


Our paper on Motion-induced synchronization in metapopulations of mobile agents, published on Physical Review E.

2012-09-18: Our paper on the SFI newsletter!


Our paper on Understanding Human Mobility in a Social Petri Dish, published on Scientific Reports, the open access journal of Nature, has been featured on the Santa Fe Institute newsletter.

2012-06-14: New article on Scientific Reports!


Our paper on Understanding Human Mobility in a Social Petri Dish has been published on Scientific Reports, the open access journal of Nature.

2012-04-01: I am a JSMF Postdoctoral Fellow!


I am a JSMF Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the CCNR, the research group of Prof. László Barabási, at the Northeastern University - Boston (MA).

2011-01-27: Organizer of the ECCS'11!


I am Organizer and part of the Scientific Committe for the "European Conference of Complex Systems 2011", to be held in Vienna, 12 - 16 September 2011.

2010-11-04: Physicscentral features our PRL article

Physicscentral, a science news site by APS, presented a podcast on our article, "Networks of motifs from sequences of symbols", published in PRL. → Full news

2010-09-27: Physorg reports about our PRL article


Today reported about our article, "Networks of motifs from sequences of symbols", which is soon to be published in PRL. → Full news