Media coverage highlights

2017-07-20: Fast Company 2017-07-06: Citylab 2015-01-17: The Huffington Post 2014-09-03: National Geographic 2014-09-01: The New York Times 2014-02-27: MIT Technology Review

Media coverage (selection)

2024-05-06The ConversationHundreds of cities have achieved zero road deaths in a year. Here’s how they did it
Online report
2024-03-27ORF Wien HeuteRadinfrastruktur ausbaufähig
TV report

2024-03-27wien.orf.atRadwege sollen möglichst direkt verlaufen
Online report
2023-05-05IngeniørenKøbenhavns Politi om den nye, diagonale cykelsti: Husk vores bemærkninger, hvis pressen ringer
Online report
Article (EN)
Online report
2022-06-21Radio Ö1Wissen Aktuell - Radwege verbessern durch Netzwerkforschung
Radio show
2022-06-13ProsabladetNy forskning: "Automated Detection of Missing Links in Bicycle Networks"
2022-06-03IngeniørenUgens data: ITU-forskergruppe vinder prisen for årets forskningsmiljø 2022
Online report
2022-06-02Radio Ö1Dimensionen - Planung funktionaler städtischer Radnetze
Radio show
2022-05-24Kleine ZeitungStückwerk ist die schlechteste Strategie
Online report
2022-05-13futurezoneWie man mehr Menschen zum Umstieg auf das Fahrrad bewegt
Online report
2022-05-04Science ORF.atDas optimale Radwegnetz
Online report
2022-05-04Vienna.atAufbau von Radweg-Netzen: "Schlechteste Wachstumsstrategie" auch in Wien
Online report
2022-03-28ITU CopenhagenNew research may help improve Copenhagen’s bicycle infrastructure
Online report
2022-02-04Science ORF.atWie soziale Stabilität entsteht
Online report
2022-01CyklisterBRUD I NETVÆRK sender cyklister ud til bilerne i København
Online report
2021-09-14Scientific AmericanSimple Mathematical Law Predicts Movement in Cities around the World
Online report
2021-06-22Le MondeUne loi universelle régit la fréquentation des villes
Online report
2021-06-14Physics WorldFrequency and distance of human travel follows universal pattern, mobile-phone data reveals
Online report
2021-06-01Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungDie Vorhersagbarkeit menschlicher Bewegungsmuster
Online report
2021-05-31Green Car CongressMIT study: people globally follow a “visitation law”; inverse relationship between distance and frequency of visits
Online report
2021-05-27ITU CopenhagenMeet the ITU researcher paving the way for a better bicycle infrastructure in cities
Online report
2021-05-27Der SpiegelDas Universalgesetz der Straße
Online report
2021-05-27CosmosNew universal law of human mobility
Online report
2021-05-27PúblicoHá um padrão universal na forma como as pessoas viajam nas cidades
Online report
2021-05-27Deutschlandfunk NovaMathematik - Eine Formel zur Bewegung von Menschen in Städten
Radio show
2021-05-26ScienmagMobility Data Reveals Universal Law Of Visitation In Cities
Online report
2021-05-26MIT NewsStudy reveals a universal travel pattern across four continents
Online report
2021-05-26ViceMillions of People's Location Data Revealed a 'Universal' Pattern In Study
Online report
2021-05-26Phys.OrgMobility data reveals universal law of visitation in cities
Online report
2021-05-26The Academic TimesNew law reveals deep global commonalities in how humans move through cities
Online report
2021-05-26Bild der WissenschaftUniverselles Muster menschlicher Mobilität entdeckt
Online report
2021-05-26Florida News TimesMobility data reveals the universal law of visits in cities
Online report
2021-05-26nrcOveral ter wereld reizen stedelingen in dezelfde patronen
Online report
2021-05-26Mirage.NewsStudy reveals a universal travel pattern across four continents
Online report
2021-05-26Autobus webScoperti schemi universali della mobilita’ in città
Online report
2021-05-26PaudalAll over the world, city dwellers travel in the same patterns
Online report
2021-05-26Limburger ZeitungDie Studie zeigt ein globales Reisemuster auf vier Kontinenten
Online report
2021-05-26Science DailyUniversal travel pattern across four continents
Online report
2021-05-26Santa Fe InstituteMobility data reveals universal law of visitation in cities
Online report
2021-03-08IngeniørenCykling i byen: Små investeringer i infrastruktur binder din by sammen
Online report
2020-05-21The GuardianPollutionwatch: how bike roads can reduce exposure to toxic air
Online report
2018-10-26Il Sole 24 OreSe l’automobile diventa un mezzo pubblico
Online report
2018-10-22Der TagesspiegelAusstellung in Mitte eröffnet neue Blicke auf die Stadt
Online report
2018-02-27kurierDie Macht der Frauennetzwerke
Online report
2017-08-31trendFrauen-Netzwerke: Schüchternheit ist keine Zier
Online report
2017-07-21Der StandardWeniger Autos in der Stadt der Zukunft
Online report
2017-07-20Fast CompanySee Just How Much Of A City’s Land Is Used For Parking Spaces
Online report
2017-07-09GeoawesomenessThe Mobility Space Report: How much space do car parks take up in our cities?
Online report
2017-07-06CitylabFor 23 World Cities, a Visual Inventory of Parking Lots
Online report
2017-06-30Daimler InnovationWenn aus Parkplätzen Bilder werden
Online report
2017-06-23Mobility LabSee how space for cars, trains, and bikes stacks up in New York City
Online report
2017-06-23Autonomous Vehicle TechnologyNew project visualizes mobility in international metropolises
Online report
2017-06-22VISION mobilityMoovel erstellt interaktive Onlineplattform
Online report
2017-03-07La StampaCar sharing: ecco le città più condivisibili
Online report
2017-03-06Nature NewsTaxi-sharing in cities follows universal maths law
Online report
2017-03-06MIT NewsSharing the fares
Online report
2017-03-06ScienceDailyVery different cities have similar potential for ride sharing
Online report
2017-01-02IEEE SpectrumImagine New York City With 3,000 Taxis Instead of 13,000
Online report
2016-11-16derStandard.atZeitalter des Teilens: Die Stadt gehört allen
Online report
2016-09-07Der StandardErfolg ist Neugier plus Zufall
2016-09-02Wiener ZeitungBig Data: weiß, männlich, jung
2016-05-24CurbedThe Future of Smart City Technology, From an MIT Professor
Online report
2016-05-23Motherboard ViceUber Wants Us to Think It's Environmentally Friendly, But Is It?
Online report
2016-03-27The GuardianThe MIT lab flushing out a city’s secrets
Online report research blogDrawing boundaries of social interaction
Online report
2015-10-19Harvard Kennedy School Shorenstein CenterUber, Airbnb and consequences of the sharing economy: Research roundup
Online report
2015-07-03USA TodayTraffic claims from Uber and Lyft are tough to prove
Online report
2015-07-02ScienceDailyUber And Lyft's Traffic Claims Are Tough To Prove
Online report
2015-07-02NewsyUber And Lyft's Traffic Claims Are Tough To Prove
Online report
2015-01-17The Huffington PostCould Lyft and Uber Put Public Transit Out of Business?
Online report
2014-11-13ForbesCould Lyft And Uber Put Public Transit Out Of Business?
Online report
2014-11-04derStandard.atNicht nur in realer Welt: Bei 150 Freunden ist auch online Schluss
Online report
2014-11-04FormatAuch online kann man bloß 150 Freunde haben
Online report
2014-11-04Die PresseBei 150 Online-Freundschaften ist Schluss
Online report
2014-11-02The Huffington PostTaking Rides With Strangers
Online report
2014-10-31Science NewsEven online, you can't have more than 150 friends
Online report
2014-10-24Conservation MagazineA high-tech twist on carpooling
Online report
2014-09-07SalonHow to save America from cars: Start sharing them
Online report
2014-09-05The Atlantic - CitylabWhat Can We Learn From the Wealth of Virtual Nations?
Online report
2014-09-05Science FridayHello, Stranger, Wanna Share a Cab?
Radio show
2014-09-03The Brian Lehrer ShowShould We Start Sharing Taxis?
Radio show
2014-09-03National GeographicTaxi-Sharing Boosts Energy Efficiency, But Will Riders Get on Board?
Online report
2014-09-02NewsweekTaxi Sharing Could Revolutionize New York City’s Transportation System
Online report
2014-09-02Business InsiderResearchers Have Developed An Algorithm For Taxi Sharing That Could Revolutionize City Transport
Online report
2014-09-02GeekWireMIT study: Services like UberPool, Lyft Line cut transit time, pollution
Online report
2014-09-01The New York TimesIf 2 New Yorkers Shared a Cab ...
Online report
2014-09-01MIT NewsRide-sharing could cut cabs’ road time by 30 percent
Online report
2014-09-01derStandard.atTaxi-Sharing spart Geld und Zeit
Online report
2014-09-01EsmateriaLos taxistas podrían ganarle a Uber la guerra del ‘car-sharing’ si compartieran carreras
Online report
2014-09-01Phys.OrgRide-sharing could cut cabs' road time by 30 percent
Online report
2014-09-01FortuneShare a taxi with a stranger? Idea is catching in big cities
Online report
2014-09-01U.S. NewsGoing My Way? Taxi-Sharing Offers Big Benefits, Study Finds
Online report
2014-04-07Fast CompanyMapping A Year Of New York Taxi Rides Shows It’s Time To Start Sharing Cabs
Online report
2014-03-26Mark Buchanan - MediumTaxis 2.0: Streamlining city transport with graph theory
Online report
2014-03-21Fast CompanyInfographic: Why We Should Share Cabs With Strangers
Online report
2014-03-19MIT Technology ReviewHow Virtual Gaming Worlds Are Revealing the Nature of Human Hierarchies
Online report
2014-03-19Car ThrottleThis Interactive View Of NYC Taxi Rides Is The Ultimate Map Porn
Online report
2014-03-19QuattroruoteAudi e Mit studiano lo sharing dei taxi: "Meno corse, costi e CO2"
Online report
2014-03-18infosthetics.comHubCab: Mapping All Taxi Trips in New York during 2011
Online report
2014-03-15habrahabr.ruТакси в Нью-Йорке: визуализация перемещений за год
Online report
2014-03-15BostInnoThe More Excited We Are, the Shorter We Tweet
Online report
2014-03-15psfkHow NYC could revolutionize urban transport by turning its taxi system into a sharing economy
Online report
2014-03-14HybridCars.comAudi, MIT and GE Studying Data To Save Fuel
Online report
2014-03-14Automotive WorldMIT, Audi launch HubCab project in New York City
Online report
2014-03-14Automotive Business ReviewMIT, Audi and GE collaborate to launch transportation tracking tool
Online report
2014-03-13Curbed NYAll 170 Million of New York City's Taxi Rides in 2011, Mapped!
Online report
2014-03-12New York MagazineBeautiful Interactive Map Displays a Year of Taxi Rides
Online report
2014-03-12GizmodoA Whole Year of Taxi Rides in New York City Mapped
Online report
2014-03-12Yahoo! FinanceMIT, Audi Launch HubCab Project in New York City
Online report
2014-03-12Atlantic CitiesHow a System for Shared Taxi Rides Could Transform New York City
Online report
2014-03-12XconomyHiding in 172M Cab Rides: A New Frontier for the ‘Sharing Economy’
Online report
2014-03-04krone.atJe aufgeregter man ist, desto kürzer tweetet man
Online report
2014-03-03Tiroler TageszeitungGroße Emotion - kurze Tweets: MIT-Forscher messen Massen-Aufregung
Online report
2014-03-03derStandard.atGroße Emotion - kurze Tweets: MIT-Forscher messen Massen-Aufregung
Online report
2014-03-03Wiener ZeitungErregung, Massenhysterie und Twitter
Online report
2014-03-03Ö1 national radioWissen aktuell: Bei Aufregung wird kürzer getwittert
Online report
2014-03-03Science ORF.atBei Aufregung wird mehr, aber kürzer getwittert
Online report
2014-03-01Malay MailMajor events make for 'terser' tweets, say study
Online report
2014-03-01CTV NewsMajor events leads to shorter tweets, online messages: study
Online report
2014-02-28SocialTimesThe Long and the Short of Social Media & Email Messages
Online report
2014-02-27El DinamoLos tuiteos son más breves cuando estamos bajo presión según estudio
Online report
2014-02-27MIT Technology ReviewSocial Media’s Law of Short Messages
Online report
2014-02-27CorpCommsExcited tweeters post shorter messages
Online report
2014-02-27Zee NewsLength of social-media messages proportional to public events: Study
Online report
2014-02-27Business StandardLength of social-media messages proportional to public events: Study
Online report
2014-02-27Il sole 24 oreI percorsi sono condivisibili
Online report
2014-02-26Phys.OrgStudy finds social-media messages grow terser during major events
Online report
2014-02-26MIT NewsSocial media’s ‘law’ of short messages
Online report
2014-02-18MIT Technology ReviewThe Ties That Divide
Online report
2014-01Publik-Forum EXTRADie Freundin meiner Freundin ist auch meine Freundin
Online report
2013-12-30MIT Technology ReviewTelecommunications data show civic dividing lines in major countries
Online report
2013-12-18Atlantic CitiesThe Lingering Power of Geography Over How We Communicate
Online report
2013-12-18Science DailyTelecommunications data show civic dividing lines in major countries
Online report
2013-12-18MIT NewsTelecommunications data show civic dividing lines in major countries
Online report
2013-06-19Ö1 national radioDimensionen - Die Welt der Wissenschaft: Die Datentaucher
Online report
2013-04-24Die PresseOnline spielen und forschen
2013-03-27Neue Zürcher ZeitungProgrammierter Altersdiabetes
Online report
2013-03-20karpatinfo.netÖsszefügg a cukorbetegség az éhínséggel
Online report
2013-03-19mno.huÖsszefügg a cukorbetegség az éhínséggel
Online report
2013-03-15Computerworld.chFrauen netzwerken anders
Online report
2013-03-08Kleine ZeitungHungernde Schwangere erhöhen Diabetes-Risiko bei Baby
Online report
2013-03-06BioPortfolioFamine in early life linked to diabetes in later life, researchers find
Online report
2013-03-06InformationAboutDiabetesBabies born during famine more likely to develop diabetes
Online report
2013-03-06Die PresseMedizin: Diabetes durch Hunger im Uterus
Online report
2013-03-06Medical XpressFamine in early life linked to diabetes in later life, researchers find
Online report
2013-03-06Salzburger NachrichtenHunger erhöht Risiko für Diabetes Typ 2
2013-03-05OÖ NachrichtenWenn Schwangere hungert, steigt bei Kind Diabetesrisiko
Online report
2013-03-05derStandard.atMassiv erhöhtes Diabetes-Risiko bei in Hungersnot Geborenen
Online report
2013-03-05Santa Fe InstituteStudy: Famine in early life linked to diabetes in later life
Online report
2013-03-05Wiener.Zeitung.atHungersnöte erhöhen späteres Diabetes-Risiko
Online report
2013-03-05paradisi.deHungernde Schwangerschaft erhöht Diabetes-Risiko bei Kindern
Online report
2013-03-05Science ORF.atHunger vor der Geburt erhöht Diabetesrisiko
Online report
2013-03-04der.Standard.atGeburt während Hungersnot erhöht Diabetes-Risiko deutlich
Online report
2013-03-04CIOWie wir uns in sozialen Netzwerken verhalten
Online report
2013-03-0420 Minuten onlineHunger im Mutterleib führt zu Diabetes
Online report
2013-02-14Express.beMan en vrouw ook online verschillende sociale wezens
Online report
2013-02-13Express.beMan en vrouw ook online verschillende sociale wezens
Online report
2013-02-12ZeronovecinqueCome donne e uomini organizzano i social network
Online report
2013-02-10LizzyNetDas Geschlecht virtueller Beziehungen
Online report
2013-02-10Onepakistan NewsMen and women poles apart when it comes to style of social networking
Online report
2013-02-10India TalkiesMen and women poles apart when it comes to style of social networking
Online report
2013-02-10sify newsMen and women poles apart when it comes to style of social networking
2013-02-10The Preternatural PostOrganizing online social networks: Guys do it differently
2013-02-10webindia123Men and women poles apart when it comes to style of social networking
Online report
2013-02-10Yahoo! Finance IndiaMen and women poles apart when it comes to style of social networking
Online report
2013-02-10News Track IndiaMen and women poles apart when it comes to style of social networking
Online report
2013-02-09Psych TronicsHow Men and Women Organize Their (Online) Social Networks Differently
Online report
2013-02-09Die KarrierebibelSoziale Netzwerke: Frauen kommunizieren, Männer konkurrieren
Online report
2013-02-09United AcademicsWomen and Men Organize Social Networks Differently
Online report
2013-02-08Phys.OrgHow men and women organize their (online) social networks differently
Online report
2013-02-08innovation torontoHow men and women organize their (online) social networks differently
Online report
2013-02-08scinexxOnline-Games: Frauen spielen anders
Online report
2013-02-08bild der wissenschaftNetzwerken bringt's
Online report
2013-02-08Medizinische Universität WienFrauen und Männer sind in ihren Netzwerken unterschiedlich organisiert
Online report
2013-02-07Santa Fe Institute NewsHow men and women organize their (online) social networks differently
Online report
2013-02-07NBC NewsWomen Out-Earn Men Online: Gaming Study
Online report
2013-02-07Instituto ciencia hojeSexo forte virtual
Online report
2013-02-07The Jace Hall showStudy: Women Outperform Men in MMO’s, Have Greater Chance of Survival
Online report
2013-02-07Science DailyHow Men and Women Organize Their (Online) Social Networks Differently
Online report
2013-02-07newswiseHow Men and Women Organize Their (Online) Social Networks Differently
Online report
2013-02-07Wiener ZeitungEvolutionsbiologie im Onlinespiel
Online report
2013-02-07Wiener ZeitungFrauen und Männer spielen anders
Online report
2013-02-07LiveScienceWomen Out-Earn Men Online: Gaming Study
Online report
2013-02-07Science ORF.atFrauen und Männer in virtuellen Welten
Online report
2013-02-07Der StandardFrauen netzwerken anders als Männer
Online report
2013-02-07APA Kultur & GesellschaftOnline-Spiel hilft Sozialverhalten zu erforschen
Online report
2013-01-28Ö1 national radioDimensionen - Die Welt der Wissenschaft: Die Stadt als Freiluft-Computer
Online report
2012-10-31Santa Fe Institute NewsOnline 'social petri dish' offers lessons about real-world human mobility
Online report
2012-09Santa Fe Institute NewsletterOnline 'social petri dish' offers insights about real-world human mobility
Online report
2012-09-10mysciencework.comMMORPG players and Social Sciences
Online report
2012-06-28ABA - Invest in Austria NewsletterA Petri Dish for Human Mobility
Online report
2012-06-19Der StandardDaten über Mann und Frau und alles andere
Online report
2012-06-18Der StandardNaturgesetzen menschlichen Gruppenverhaltens online auf der Spur
Online report
2012-06-15nature asia-pacificオンラインゲームのプレイヤーに見るヒトの移動性
Online report
Online report
2012-05-24InterDigEstudio muestra las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en el mundo virtual
Online report
2012-05-24lenta.ruОнлайн-игра показала различия в социальном поведении мужчин и женщин
Online report
2012-05-23Yahoo! FinanceMars and Venus Online: How the Genders Differ in Their Use of Social Networks
Online report
2012-05-23The AtlanticMars and Venus Online: How the Genders Differ in Their Use of Social Networks
Online report
2012-05-23MIT Technology ReviewHow Men and Women Manage Their Social Networks Differently
Online report
2012-03-04Die PresseAnonyme Online-Games: Das Gute im Menschen gibt es
Online report
2012-02-16MarketingArenaI confini della socializzazione: non tutto si può condividere
Online report
2012-01-16Therapy Toronto NewsStudy of virtual environment suggests people tend to behave prosocially even in absence of rules
Online report
2012-01SOTT.netStudie: Menschen verhalten sich auch ohne Regeln sozial
Online report
2012-01Forte.eeUuring: inimesed käituvad ühiskondlikult ja „hästi“ ka reegliteta maailmas
Online report
2012-01Express.beIndividu gedraagt zich liever meedogend dan agressief
Online report
2012-01-22krone.atStudie: Menschen verhalten sich auch ohne Regeln sozial
Online report
2012-01-18HyperboldAktuelle Studie: Verhalten sich Geschäftsleute tatsächlich wie Affen in Anzügen?
Online report
2012-01Phys.OrgPeople behave socially and 'well' even without rules: study
Online report
2012-01Kleine ZeitungAuch ohne Regel "lieb"
2012-01Salzburger NachrichtenSozial handeln ohne Regeln
2012-01studium.atMedUni Wien: Menschen verhalten sich auch ohne vorgegebene Regeln sozial und mitfühlend
Online report
2012-01wallstreet:onlineComputerspieler erklären die Welt
Online report
2012-01extremnewsComputerspieler erklären die Welt
Online report
2012-01pressetext.comComputerspieler erklären die Welt - Spieleranalyse zeigt: Respekt ensteht auch ohne Regeln
Online report
2012-01Focus onlineLeben ohne Regeln: So tickt der Mensch
Online report
2012-01Jedlersdorfer RundschauMenschen verhalten sich auch ohne Regeln sozial und "gut"
Online report
2012-01Wiener ZeitungMenschen verhalten sich auch ohne Regeln sozial und "gut"
Online report
2012-01-13Science ORF.atOhne Regeln bricht keine Anarchie aus
Online report
2012-01Tiroler TageszeitungMenschen verhalten sich auch ohne Regeln sozial und "gut"
Online report
2012-01visionair.nlWaarom het goede uiteindelijk altijd wint
Online report
2012-01-13Medizinische Universität WienMenschen verhalten sich auch ohne Regeln sozial und "gut"
Online report
2012-01Spektrum DirektDer Erdsimulator
Online report
2011-09NOEMA Tecnología e SocietàECCS'11 a Vienna. Il commento
Online report
2011-09BricksLa Conferenza Europea di Vienna sui Sistemi Complessi
Online report
2011-09Ö1 national radioDimensionen - Die Welt der Wissenschaft: Komplexe Systeme - Ordnung und Chaos in Natur und Gesellschaft
Online report
2011-07MIT Technology ReviewVirtual World Study Reveals The Origin of Good and Bad Behaviour Patterns
Online report
2011-03Wien live80-dimensionale Ameisen
2010-08LaFlechaLas relaciones virtuales son más estables que las habituales
Online report
2010-08Radio TV MéxicoLas relaciones virtuales son más estables que las habituales
Online report
2010-07DRadio WissenPiraten und Händler im Weltraum - ein Modell unserer Gesellschaft?
Online report
2010-07SverigeradioDataspelande bevisar gammal psykologisk teori
Online report
2010-07Global Computer ServicePositive Beziehungen halten uns zusammen
Online report
2010-07ORF FuturezoneBeziehungsanalysen im Onlinegame
Online report
2010-07Musicaynoticias.clValidez de una teoria de interaccion social es demostrada con un videojuego para multijugadores
Online report usando videogame confirma que 'o amigo do inimigo é inimigo'
Online report
2010-07iCTGra komputerowa dowodem na teori spoleczna
Online report
2010-07Catalunya VanguardistaHuman networks
Online report
2010-07GouvActu AdmiNetL'ami de mon ennemi est vraiment mon ennemi
Online report
2010-07SouthasianewsPeople prefer positive relationships to ensure stable social networks
Online report
Online report
2010-07EuzineDer Freund meines Feindes ist wirklich mein Feind
Online report
2010-07TerradailyThe Friend Of My Enemy Is My Enemy
Online report
Online report
Online report
2010-07Indianews365People prefer positive relationships to ensure stable social networks
Online report
2010-07Daily IndiaPeople prefer positive relationships to ensure stable social networks
Online report
2010-07The Info SagePeople prefer positive relationships to ensure stable social networks
Online report
2010-07Medical News TodayVirtual Universe Study Proves 80-Year-Old Theory On How Humans Interact
Online report
2010-07Newstrack IndiaPeople prefer positive relationships to ensure stable social networks
Online report
2010-07Daily Times IndiaPeople prefer positive relationships to ensure stable social networks
Online report
2010-07LabspacesThe friend of my enemy is my enemy
Online report
2010-07Science CentricThe friend of my enemy is my enemy
Online report
2010-07Scientific ComputingThe friend of my enemy is my enemy
Online report
2010-07NaukowyPrzyjaciel mojego wroga jest rzeczywi?cie moim wrogiem
Online report
2010-07NumeramaUn jeu massivement multijoueurs analysé pour démontrer les liens sociaux
Online report
2010-07SlashdotStudy of MMOG Proves Human Interaction Theory
Online report
2010-07SoftpediaPositive Relationships Keep People Together
Online report
2010-07Science Daily"The Friend of My Enemy Is My Enemy": Virtual Universe Study Proves 80-Year-Old Theory on How Humans Interact
Online report
2010-07APAOnlinespiel als soziales Experiment
Online report
2010-07Imperial College London'The friend of my enemy is my enemy': Virtual universe study proves 80 year old theory on how humans interact
Online report
2010-07Medizinische Universität WienMedUni Wien - Physiker vermessen menschliche Gesellschaft in Onlinewelt
Online report
2010-07Santa Fe InstituteThe friend of my enemy is my enemy
Online report
2010-07OE24300.000 "Pardus" Online-Gamer untersucht
Online report
2010-07austria.comOnlinespiel als Experiment
Online report
2010-07Phys.OrgThe friend of my enemy is my enemy: Virtual universe study proves 80-year-old theory on how humans interact
Online report
2010-07Vorarlberg onlineOnlinespiel als Experiment
Online report
2010-07Der StandardSoziale Gesetze von Freund und Feind
Online report
2010-07KroneGesellschaft erstmals mittels Game "vermessen"
Online report
2010-01-08Ö1 national radioDimensionen - Die Welt der Wissenschaft
2009-11-14Die PresseNetzwerkanalysen: Ansteckung im Computer
Online report
2008-02T-OnlinePardus - Strategiegame aus Österreich
2008-02Radio NiederösterreichInterview mit Michael Szell
2008-02-04Telekommunikations & IT ReportIm Test: Pardus
Online report
2008-02Exporter's WeeklyGlobaler "Renner" mit nö. Computerspiel
2008-01-18Wirtschaftspressedienst NiederösterreichComputerspiel aus NÖ wurde zum weltweiten Renner
Online report
2007-07PC PowerPlayPardus: Der Newcomer aus Österreich
2007-05Honolulu Star-BulletinClick with online crowd - Play well with others? Try these games
Online report
2007-05-29Telekommunikations & IT ReportAuf Erfolgskurs - Zuwächse bei Onlinespiel Pardus
Online report
2007-04WienerLost in Space
2007-02-15Telekommunikations & IT ReportDer Communityeffekt - Pardus made in Pressbaum
2007-01-31FM4 national radioInterview mit Michael Szell
2006-10StraticsPardus - The Future is Here!"Pardus" - kostenloses Online-Spiel aus Österreich
Online report
2006-05-15Telekommunikations & IT Report"Größte Motivation" - Pardus: Erfolg für Community-Plattform
2005-12GameOgrePardus - Best Free Online RPG of the Year 2005
Online report
2005-11-03Telekom AustriaOnline Universum Pardus
2005-05Progress - Das ÖH-Magazin"Pardus" - kostenloses Online-Spiel aus Österreich